Brooklyn soccer coach sentenced to 7 years for sexual abuse of young girl

The Brooklyn DA's office identified the defendant as Stanislav Rozovsky of Sheepshead Bay. The camp where this took place was based in Marine Park.

Adolfo Carrion

Aug 22, 2024, 9:47 PM

Updated 60 days ago


The coach and owner of a youth soccer camp has been sentenced to seven years in prison for sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl who attended the camp, according to the Brooklyn district attorney.
The Brooklyn DA's office identified the defendant as Stanislav Rozovsky of Sheepshead Bay. The camp where this took place was based in Marine Park.
According to the investigation, Rozovsky bought the 10-year-old victim ice cream and convinced her to enter his van on July 18 of 2022. When the child tried to leave the vehicle, the defendant shoved her back into the seat. He then fondled the victim's chest, kissed her and told her he loved her.
The abuse was reported after the child victim told a parent. Rozovsky was arrested on August 12 of 2022.