Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano gave his State of the City address, touching on several topics that he says makes Yonkers a destination.
"No longer is Yonkers just a pin drop on the map or a pass-through to New York City or upstate," says Spano.
Spano says thousands of jobs and educational opportunities could be created with the film studios as part of Hollywood on Hudson.
"Just this past year, we were home to 124 film days that generated close to $1 million in permit fees – the most ever for us," he says.
He said the same for MGM's Empire City Casino, if Yonkers gets one of the full gaming licenses at the end of the year.
Spano called this project a “make-or-break-situation” for the city.
While he recognized resident concerns of increased traffic and more people in the area, he says this will create local jobs.
"A full gaming license will add table games plus a concert venue," says Spano. “It means more than $1 billion in economic activity and $2 billion in private investment. It means thousands of jobs and more than $200 million in additional wages.”
As for public safety, Spano says major crimes have decreased by over 30% since 2011.
"All by building relationships with the community, embracing technology and diversifying our force," says Spano.
As for education, Spano says graduation rates are up and they're working to build another school at the site of the old Mulford Gardens housing complex, adjacent to Grant Park
He also says the state recently gave Yonkers more funding. Spano and the superintendent say they are working to get even more.
"We've always had challenges getting our fair share of funding and we continue to advocate," says Yonkers Public Schools Superintendent Anibal Soler, Jr.
Spano also discussed the waterfront. He says they are "committed to making the city pier even more inviting – investing in structural upgrades that support water-borne tourism, including a marina. And yes, even a beachfront."