An animal rescuer saved nine 2-week-old mallard ducklings stuck in a sewer on Yonkers Tuesday afternoon.
Rich Shey, of Ossining, says he spotted the mother duck roaming over the top of the sewer on Edison Avenue, a sign he says that her chicks were in the water.
Shey called Yonkers DPW, which sent a crew to lift a massive metal grate and save the ducklings.
Animal rescuer Ellen Lewit says this kind of thing is common this time of year because the holes in the grates are big enough for ducklings to fall through.
Lewit says during the spring, she's on speed dial for many Westchester cities as animal families living close to populated areas and busy roads get into all kinds of dangerous situations.
The mother duck and her ducklings were put in a crate and relocated to a pond in Irvington that's a bit safer for a duck family.