Yonkers lawmakers introduced new legislation Monday targeting so-called slumlords.
Residents living around Carmel Place say they are disgusted by some of the living conditions in their homes, accusing bad landlords of negligence.
“You need a good landlord. If you don't have a good landlord, you might as well get your own house or live on the street,” says resident Ruben Berberene.
On Tuesday, Councilwoman Corazon Pineda-Isaac and Mayor Mike Spano introduced legislation that would require landlords to reimburse the city for any costs related to relocating tenants who are displaced from condemnation.
The city has condemned nearly 10 buildings since November, forcing tenants like Berberene out on the streets.
Mayor Spano says the city spends $10,000 to cover the cost of shelter for just one night.
Legislators say the new law would hold landlords accountable.
“Standing up for all the people of the city of Yonkers and saying enough is enough. People deserve safe, adequate living conditions,” says Pineda-Isaac.
The legislation is currently in committee and will be up for a vote in the coming weeks.