Watch Meteorologist Meredith Garofalo says gusty winds will continue. Monday is
trending dry, but rain chances return on Tuesday.
Mainly cloudy and breezy. Sustained winds up to 20 mph with gusts over 30 in
spots. Chilly. Lows: in upper 40s
Breezy with a stray shower otherwise cloudy to mostly cloudy. Highs: in
the upper 50s. Lows: near 46
TUESDAY: A bit breezy with rain chances returning.
Chilly. Highs: in the mid 50s to low 60s. Lows: near 49.
Partly cloudy and warmer. Highs: near 70. Lows: upper 40s.
Mostly sunny, mild and pleasant. Pick of the week! Highs: mid to low 70s. Lows:
low 50s.
FRIDAY: Partly
cloudy and seasonably mild. Highs: near 70. Lows: Low 40s.
WEEKEND: Trending much cooler, but it looks dry at the moment. Highs in the 50s
with lows near 40.