A Yonkers pharmacist says he has COVID-19 vaccinations to
give out and not enough people with appointments.
Pharmacies in the state are now able to offer COVID-19
vaccines to anyone with underlying conditions,
according to health officials.
Up until recently, pharmacies had been limited to
administering the shots to people age 60 and older and teachers.
Anthony Ciarletta, the Owner of LeMac Pharmacy in Yonkers, says he has quite a few doses of the two-shot Moderna vaccine ready to get into people’s
arms. “I probably have close to a thousand doses that I have to try to give out
this week. Even though I have a lot of vaccine, I don't have enough people
calling me to get it."
As of now, Ciarletta says he isn’t taking
online appointments, so if you’re looking to get a shot, you need to
call (914) 965-6100, and one of his
employees will confirm a date and time with you.
"LeMac Pharmacy is a very good pharmacy. It's a neighborhood pharmacy and people are feeling very comfortable to come over…It's quick and there's no crowds, it makes you feel comfortable it really does," says Giuseppe and Edie Zappia, of Yonkers.