As the holiday season ramps up, Gov. Eliot Spitzer called on President George Bush Monday to issue a national recall of toys with dangerous lead levels.
Many Westchester parents are in favor of the move. "We've had a lot of toys get recalled, toys my daughter has played with a number of years," said parent Amanda May. "It's pretty scary."
A recent poll found 45 percent of Americans plan to avoid Chinese-made toys this year, and one-third of those people plan to purchase fewer toys. However, finding safe alternatives may be hard since 70 percent of U.S. toys are made in China.
Managers at Try and Buy Toys store believe additional quality control steps, in the wake of the recalls, are now slowing down the arrival of toys into their stores.
Dr. Robin Altman, the chief of general pediatrics at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, reassures parents children must ingest significant lead levels to be adversely affected.
"It may impact their development, it may impact their attention span," Altman said. "It may ultimately lead to learning disabilities. Now, that is for long-term exposure."
Related information:U.S. Consumer Product Safety CommissionToyInfo.orgOppenheim Toy Portfolio