One of the men responsible for burning a cross on the driveway of an African-American family was sentenced Tuesday to four weekends in jail.
The racist crime that shocked many in Cortlandt and the surrounding communities happened the night before Thanksgiving last year, when the Ryan Martin, 20, and his friend, Christopher Hudak, erected a wooden cross and set it on fire in front of the house of the Artope family. Martin and Hudak pleaded guilty in August of this year to their involvement in the cross burning.
Before the incident, the Artopes? teenage son had been involved in a racially fueled fight at Hendrick Hudson High School, and the cross burning was apparently meant as a retaliation for the skirmish.
Hudak, the brother of a girl involved in the fight, and his friend Martin were taken into custody and charged with felony hate crimes for the cross burning.
On Tuesday, Judge Jeffrey Cohen sentenced Martin to time already served, which amounts to about five days, in addition to four consecutive weekends in the Westchester County Jail. After his release, Martin will also have to perform 300 hours of community service and have five-year probation. Martin will begin serving his weekend jail sentence Friday.
During the sentencing, Martin?s attorney repeated the defendant?s apology he has previously made to the family of Clara Montague Artope, but she says she is not satisfied with the outcome of the trial.
"I've never heard of somebody receiving eight days for four felonies," Montague Artope says. "That's two days per felony. That's how it works out."
Hudak?s sentencing is scheduled for Thursday morning.
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