This week New York City tied a death to the toxic dust at Ground Zero, shedding more light on a second set of victims of the September 11th attacks.
New York attorney Felicia Dunn-Jones was officially listed as the 2,750th victim of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Dunn-Jones died of lung disease only five months after the attacks. Dunn-Jones? homicide marks the first time the city tied a death to the toxic dust.
Retired NYPD Detective John Walcott, of Rockland County, was the first person to come forward and say he became seriously ill after working for months at Ground Zero. Walcott found out he had leukemia in May of 2003. He is demanding his body be autopsied after he dies.
Walcott's attorney, David Worby, represents almost 10,000 people who claim they also got sick from their service at Ground Zero. Worby says these victims and their families deserve to be compensated just like the people who died on September 11th.
The case of Felicia Dunn-Jones is sparking new debate about compensation for victims like Walcott who got ill after working at Ground Zero.