Gov. Andrew Cuomo is set to visit the White House this afternoon.
The likely topic of discussion with the president is how to scale testing in New York state and beyond.
Cuomo says help from the federal government is needed to bring testing to capacity and reopen the economy. He also wants federal help securing supply chains for personal protective equipment from national manufacturers.
The governor says the state is moving in the right direction, but needs Washington to get us to the finish line. "The question is now how long is the descent and how steep is the descent, and nobody knows. Just the way that nobody knew how long the ascent was. Nobody can tell you how long the descent is."
Regionally, the governor has also announced a "reimagine" task force to bring New York into its new future.
The initiative will focus on downstate and includes Westchester County Executive George Latimer along with NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio and the county executives from Long Island.