The Yonkers Police Department has been hit by yet another lawsuit ? this time by a man who claims police roughed him up during an arrest.
The lawsuit comes just weeks after another Yonkers police officer was charged with using excessive force in a high profile case. Now, Attorney Richard St. Paul is representing another client who says he was beaten by Yonkers police last year.
Trevor Archer says he was roughed up by cops last July when he picked up his girlfriend near the corner of Elm and Oak streets in a popular drug-infested neighborhood. According to Archer, police were pulling his girlfriend?s arm and when he asked her why, cops turned on him.
?They wrenched my shoulder, handcuffs were too tight, there were bruises on my legs, contusion on my knee,? he says, ?all because I asked my girlfriend a question.?
Archer says he was charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, and that he was held at the city jail for 17 hours. When he got out, he says he went to the hospital to be treated.
A spokesperson for the city of Yonkers says there is nothing in this case that indicates any wrongdoing, maintaining that the lawsuits are taking away from the excellent job the police are doing.
Archer and his attorney say they want the police to be held responsible for what they did. The amount of money Archer is seeking is unspecified.
Lawsuits seek to police Yonkers cops