Rockland shows off gay pride

Hundreds turned out in Nyack for a day of celebration for the LGBT community yesterday. Rockland County's annual gay pride celebration drew hundreds to downtown Nyack. The day of celebration for the

News 12 Staff

Jun 9, 2014, 4:23 PM

Updated 3,788 days ago


Hundreds turned out in Nyack for a day of celebration for the LGBT community yesterday.
Rockland County's annual gay pride celebration drew hundreds to downtown Nyack. The day of celebration for the LGBT community was put on by the local non-profit Volunteer Counseling Service.
Food, face painting and local vendors were just a part of the festivities meant to continue a much bigger conversation. "I'm here today because it's a beautiful day in support of gay pride. We've come a long way in many, many years and I'm here to support it," says Donna Tabeek.
Many who turned out for the event say they were also there to celebrate marriage equality which passed in New York in 2011.