Schools of bunker fish are washing up dead from the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge all the way to the westside of Manhattan.
Reports say that thousands of these fish have turned up dead over the last week.
Riverkeeper, a clean water advocacy group, says the fish are dying because of a lack of oxygen in the water. The organization says global warming and chemicals from sewage treatment plants flowing into the river are both killing the oxygen they need to breathe.
“They’re suffering, and these are only the fish we see,” says George Jackson, the habitat restoration manager at Riverkeeper. “How many fish are in the river we don’t see that die?”
Everyday products also pollute waterways once they go down the drain. Residents are asked to avoid products with harmful chemicals in them.
Jackson says what goes down the drain will ultimately make it to the waterway.
"We all have a part in this. We got to work together," he says.