News 12 is investigating overcrowding concerns at a public pool in Rockland and reports of a possible closure of a Spring Valley business due to COVID-19 violations.
Some questioned if there were too many people at Tallman Beach and Pool Club in Rockland.
"I appreciate someone posting on Facebook, but please call the local police or the park police. And to be frank with you, I'm a former investigator, it's not conclusive.. the pool was not almost full," said Rockland County Executive Ed Day.
News 12 spoke to pool management who said that they are only allowing 350 people in - under the 435 approved by the state guideline.
They also showed News 12 how they kept track.
Pool management said groups of 10 or less are allowed, and 97 people can be in the pool at once.
On Monday, there were also reports that the newly opened Bingo in Spring Valley was closed for apparent COVID-19 violations such as no masks, social distancing and overcrowding.
News 12 visited the reopened store on Tuesday and saw signs, heard an intercom message and saw employees at the door asking people to wear masks and practice social distancing.
Out of the dozens of people News 12 saw with masks on, there was one customer who had it below his chin.
Bingo management declined to comment other than to say if they see someone without a mask on, they ask them to pull it up.