It was a packed house of residents at the New Rochelle Planning Board meeting for a public hearing on a proposal for development downtown.
"The subject property is 30,546 square feet," says Mark Weingarten, a representative for Crossroads Centre, LLC, and an attorney with DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP. "It's currently very under-utilized for this downtown."
The plan from developer Crossroads Centre, LLC, calls for a 28-story mixed-use residential and commercial building at 570 Main St. Four buildings would be demolished in the process.
"We are in a full-blown housing crisis, an affordable housing crisis and New Rochelle is the envy of its neighbors for the head start it has on these critical issues," says Weingarten.
Some residents are still fighting back.
Residents who live in downtown New Rochelle are worried about this happening so close to their home.
"People have no place to go. There are no playgrounds for children. There is very little that has actually taken place because the whole focus has been just on getting one building up after another," says Marian Whitaker, a New Rochelle resident.
"I'd say I'm pro-development. I've lived through quite a bit of it since I've been living here but I am concerned," says Jenny Freeman, a New Rochelle resident.
Residents are also concerned about what development could bring, such as construction, increased traffic and less green space. They're also concerned about businesses leaving the area.
News 12 reached out to New Rochelle city officials again on Tuesday, but they said they had no comment again.