Man sentenced to 60 years for Sarah Lawrence College sex trafficking ring

Prosecutors had said Lawrence Ray moved into his daughter's dorm in 2010 and then exploited and solicited millions of dollars from students.

Nadia Galindo

Jan 20, 2023, 5:17 PM

Updated 636 days ago


A man convicted of preying on Sarah Lawrence College students was sentenced to 60 years in prison. 
The U.S. attorney called Lawrence Ray a monster for grooming and abusing the students both physically and psychologically for years.
Ray was convicted in April of racketeering, sex trafficking, forced labor, tax evasion and money laundering.
He was sentenced for the predatory crimes in federal court in Manhattan Friday.
Three victim impact statements explained the brutality and sadistic behavior inflicted on the Sarah Lawrence College students he met while living in his daughter's dorm back in 2010.
A letter by one of the victims read in court described how she was psychologically and physically tortured and forced into sex trafficking for over eight years, earning Ray millions of dollars.
"My soul was completely depleted," she said. "No one deserves to know such a twisted and broken version of life."
Another victim stated he was humiliated, beaten, raped and tortured stating, "Lawrence Ray stole my youth from me."
Ray also spoke, seeking the minimum sentence of 15 years. He described his declining health and pointed to poor treatment in jail where he's spent the last three years, contracting COVID three times.
He appeared to show no remorse for his actions, which his attorney says was at her instruction.       
Judge Luis Liman showed no sympathy for the 62-year-old who has a documented history of violence and not complying with court orders.
"There is a clear sense that he can act with impunity," said the judge. The judge added that Ray's actions were particularly cruel and that he is a risk to the community if released.
He closed the hearing by saying the victims were brave to come forward and said, "In a sense, this trial speaks volumes to the resilience of the human spirit."
There is one matter left unresolved: restitution for the victims. A date for that hearing has yet to be set.