An apartment building and nearby house in Mamaroneck were so badly damaged by the nor'easter that authorities say the two structures could come crashing down at any moment.Peter Ybarra and his family were pumping out water and cleaning up their New Street home when he felt a shift. They went outside to discover their home tilting. Fearing the worse, Ybarra called 911, which responded with a team of police officers, firefighters and Con Ed workers. They evacuated neighboring homes, blocked off the street and shut off utilities as a precaution.
An apartment house next door was already condemned on Monday because of structural problems caused by flooding. The village manager says Ybarra?s house is probably suffering from the same problem.
A county engineer was on hand to measure how much the two buildings shifted. Officials say if the apartment house has shifted too far, they will be forced to condemn the house on New Street as well.
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