Greenwich officials have identified the 16-year-old girl killed in a boating accident yesterday as Emily Fedorko
Police say four girls were tubing on Long Island Sound when the accident happened near Tod's Point around 2 p.m.
Officers say two of the girls were onboard the boat and the other two were on a tube attached to the boat.
Police say the tubers got dislodged and when the boat turned to pick them up it struck them causing them to go into the propeller.
Police say Fedorko died at the scene and the other girl suffered a serious injury to her leg and is at Stamford Hospital.
Greenwich Schools Superintendent William McKersie said the girl who died would have been a junior at Greenwich High School. He issued a statement saying, "There are few words that can express the deep compassion we feel for the family of the young girl that has died and for the three other girls involved in the accident."