Community members hosted a first responder parade and lunch to thank the staff of a nursing home that's been devastated by COVID-19 in recent weeks.
It's been weeks in crisis for the Montgomery Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center.
"The Montgomery Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has had it really tough," says Montgomery Mayor Brian Maher. "They've lost 23 residents to COVID-19."
Maher says the facility has another 27 COVID-19-positive patients and that nearly the same number of its health care workers are home sick.
Nearly a dozen facility residents and staff have recovered, though.
"There's not enough thank-yous in the world to say it," says Montgomery Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center Admission Director Eileen Montalvo. "We appreciate it. It's the little things that keep us going."
Other community support offered lately has included volunteers grocery shopping for staff and donations to pay for workers' hotel stays.
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