A Sleepy Hollow detective who allegedly Tasered two people was indicted Wednesday on federal civil rights charges.
Jose Quinoy is accused of Tasering a 16-year-old boy and beating and Tasering Mario Gomez, of Sleepy Hollow, in October 2006. Quinoy is alleged to have been romantically involved with Gomez's daughter.
"I'm very satisfied that justice prevailed, and that this officer will not be able [to] actually hurt any other citizen," Gomez says.
Quinoy turned himself in at Sleepy Hollow Police headquarters Tuesday night and was taken into custody. Quinoy's federal indictment was based on two incidents of using unreasonable force during arrests.
The indictment does not include the Tasering of a 16-year-old teen who allegedly refused to stop after riding his bicycle on the sidewalk in August 2007. That incident is the basis of a civil lawsuit against Quinoy.
Quinoy pleaded not guilty to the charges. The judge set a $100,000 bail for his release. In the meantime, Quinoy must surrender his passport and weapons. Sleepy Hollow Police Chief Jimmy Warren says Quinoy's status at the police department has yet to be determined.