News 12 Westchester/Hudson Valley Numbers & Links for May 2023

News 12 Westchester/Hudson Valley Numbers & Links for May 2023

News 12 Staff

Apr 26, 2023, 2:29 PM

Updated 678 days ago


May 31

Fatal pedestrians vs. car crash: State Police website
NJ man killed, another hurt in jet ski accident: State Police website
Grand Larceny arrest: Town of Lloyd Police FB page
Domestic Dispute arrest: Saugerties Police website
Damage to park investigation: Yonkers Police FB page
Migrant change proposals: Westchester County website
Manslaughter guilty plea: Westchester District Attorney (914) 995-3414
Food Pantry director Woman of Distinction: Town of Yorktown website
Weather on the Road: New York Boulders Tickets
Damage done to park: Yonkers police twitter feed
Hutch repair project: NYS DOT website
Paraglider crash in Orange County: Town of Warwick police FB page
Fatal accident on Route 59: Clarkstown police (845) 639-5800
Lifting Salt Cap: Rep. Lawler twitter feed

May 30

Main pool closed: Town of Yorktown FB page
Restored car memorial: Yonkers Police FB page
Student finds soldier actually from NY: Brewster School District (details students research)
Manslaughter guilty plea: Westchester District Attorney (914) 995-3414
Update on fire in Rye Brook: Port Chester fire FB page
House fire update in Cortlandt: Mohegan Fire association (914) 526-0823
Fare services to resume at County center: Westchester County Government website
Shooting, two hurt: Spring Valley Police FB page
Stabbing incident: Haverstraw Police (845) 354-1500
Repaving on Old Nyack Turnpike: Rockland Highway Dept. (845) 638-5060

May 29

Sunday night shooting: Spring Valley Police (845) 356-7400
Cuomo Bridge lighting: Gov. Hochul website
Memorial Day events: Town of Stony Point FB page
Person hurt after shooting: Spring Valley Police (845) 356-7400
Apartment break in arrest: City of Poughkeepsie PBA FB page
Rye Brook House Fire: Port Chester Fire Dept. (914) 939-1661
New Pizza graffiti. Nicky’s Larchmont (914) 834-3232
Sunday night shooting: Spring Valley Police (845) 356-7400
Cuomo Bridge lit tonight: Gov. Hochul website
Memorial Day events: Town of Stony Point FB page

May 27

Beeline Bus Schedule:

May 26

Weather on the Road: Westchester parks
Home burglary, assault: Village of Liberty FB page
Solar Panels on fire: Thiells Fire Dept. FB page
Motorcyclist injured on I-84: State police (845)  344-5300
Police K9 training program: Village of Chester Police FB page
Arrest in shooting, victim now dead: Peekskill Police FB page
Pizza for underprivileged: Padre Pio Foundation FB page
Dental College Graduation: Touro Dental College twitter feed
Holiday weekend crackdown: State Police website
Honoring EMS workers: City of Yonkers FB page
$2 Movies at Regal: Regal Cinemas
Haverstraw Memorial Day service: Rockland County FB page
2023 Commencement: West Point website
Thruway owed $275M: NYS Comptroller website
Cuomo Bridge shuttle bus service: NYS DOT website
Murder charge in Sunday shooting: Peekskill Police FB page
New patrol boat: Town of Carmel Police (845) 628-1300
New Rochelle poet’s book on Schizophrenia: Amazon listing

May 25

Rockland Holiday Transit Schedule: More Information
Ward House Public hearing: Friends of Ward House website
Remove grenade White Plains home: Westchester County Police FB page
Moms anti-gun violence: Moms Demand Action – NY FB page
Funding for Yonkers historic site: Gov. Hochul website
Arrest man after eluding police: Town of Ramapo PD FB page
Historic sites, parks funding: Gov. Hochul website
Trader Joe’s Instant Cold Brew Coffee recall: More information
Road Trip: Close to Home: Sherwood House
Dental College Graduation: Touro Dental College twitter feed
Holiday weekend crackdown: State Police website
Honoring EMS workers: City of Yonkers FB page
Holiday weekend crackdown: State Police website
State freight train safety bill: Sen. Hinchey twitter feed
New water playground: Legoland Goshen website

May 24

Police chase arrest: Westchester Co. Police FB page
Debate on debt ceiling: Rep. Bowman Twitter feed
Water test kits issue: Town of Yorktown website
Dutchess Reaction to restraining order: Dutchess County FB page
Vehicular Manslaughter 2021 crash: Orange County District Attorney (845) 291-2050
Motorcyclist killed in crash: Town of Poughkeepsie Police FB page
Rededication of Butterfly Garden: Town of Clarkstown FB page
Historic sites, parks funding: Gov. Hochul website
Film Training program: City of Newburgh FB page
Rockland turtles crossing roadway: Turtles of Western Highway FB page
Funding for Yonkers historic site: Gov. Hochul website
Saving historic Tuckahoe house: Friends of Ward house website    
Film studio in ambulance: The City of Yonkers FB page

May 23

Migrants executive order: Putnam County Executive website
Ramp closure on Saw Mill: Westchester Police Twitter Feed
Shooting investigation: City of Peekskill Police FB page
Interim Superintendent: Ossining school district website
Ex-Haverstraw official sentencing: Rockland district Attorney FB page
State funding for Ulster project: Gov. Hochul website
Fatal motorcycle crash in Sullivan: State Police website
Officers help raccoons. Town of Ramapo PD FB page
Water test kits are not ours: Town of Yorktown website
Mt. Vernon Public Works Week: Mayor Shawyn Patterson Howard FB page
International Science Fair Finalists: Ossining School District FB page Sentencing in fatal crash: Orange County District Attorney (845) 291-2050
City shooting incidents: City of Poughkeepsie PBA FB page
West Nyack butterfly garden: Town of Clarkstown FB page

May 22

Interim Superintendent: Ossining School district (914) 941-7700
School lockdown arrest: Putnam County Sheriff website
Slashing arrest: Yonkers Police (914) 377-7900
Building Inspector arrest: Village of Chester Police (845) 469-4111
Fatal motorcycle crash in Sullivan: State Police website
Wallkill driver speeding, DWI: State Police website
Hispanic Community Center opening: Rep. Lawler Twitter
State aid distribution dispute: Greenburgh Town Supervisor Feiner
Community Health Walk: Northwell Health
Man captured for Orange County incidents: Walden Police FB page
Commencement: Marist College website
Friday night shooting: Kingston City Police FB page
I-84 travel advisory: NYS DOT website

May 19

Small Westchester earthquake: US Geological Survey website
Yonkers man arrested in LI shooting: Suffolk County Police (631) 852-6000
Mt. Vernon man indicted in teen shooting: Westchester County District Attorney website
Bronx Man arrested in Mt. Vernon: Mt. Vernon police FB page
Reax to migrants coming to Liberty: Sullivan County website
State of Emergency: Sullivan County FB page
No hotel deal yet in Dutchess: Assemblyman Beephan (845) 221-2202
Guilty plea Middletown shooting: Orange County DA Hoovler FB page
Yonkers Arts Weekend 2023: More information
Downtown Summer Sizzle: More information
YOHO Artists: More info

May 18

Forcible touching arrest: State Police website
Date for new budget vote: Blind Brook-Rye schools website
United leaving Westchester Airport: The Points Guy website
Indictments coming in death of girl: Sullivan County District Attorney (845)
Beacon man sentenced in girlfriend’s death: Brooklyn District Attorney website
Fire Alarm pulled at migrant hotel: Town of Newburgh Police (845) 564-1100
Report on NYPD shooting, suicide: NY Attorney General’s Office website
Work Zone Cameras: NY.GOV
Road Trip: Close to Home: Pied Piper
Indictment in Mt. Vernon murder: Westchester District Attorney website
Migrant background checks bill: Assemblyman Slater website
Bilingual after school program Ossining: United Way of Westchester and Putnam website
Sensory room: Yonkers Riverfront Library website
Reax to migrants coming to Liberty: Sullivan County website
NYC in talks with Poughkeepsie hotel: Dutchess County Executive (845) 486-2000
New company to East Fishkill: Town Supervisor (845) 221-4303
Guilty plea Middletown shooting: Orange County DA Hoovler FB page

May 17

New Crime Control Center: Yonkers Police website
Helping families facing eviction: Westchester Board of Legislators website
Prison sentence, sex crimes: Westchester District Attorney
Police Week Ceremonies: New Rochelle Police website
Voters reject ER budget: East Ramapo School District website
Liberty couple in court today: Sullivan County District Attorney (845) 794-3344
Woman arrested in stabbing: Town of Ramapo Police FB page
Controversial teacher resigns: Port Jervis School District (845) 858-3100
Fraud, extortion prevention: Spring Valley police FB page
Professor wins Pulitzer: Bard College website
Food waste diversion program: City of Kingston website
New leaf blower law: Town of Greenburgh website
Resource officers added: Town of Yorktown (914) 962-5722
Spring Customer Survey: MTA website

May 16

New county chairman: Westchester Board of Legislators: (914) 995-2800
Schools to open after lockdown: Haldane School District: (845) 265-9254
Police week, plus swearing in ceremony: Mt. Vernon PD: (914) 665-2500
19-year-old dead after shooting: City of Poughkeepsie PBA FB page
No migrants at town hotels: Town of Fishkill (845) 831-7800
Donation drive for kid killed on bike: Go Fund Me
Olivebridge man arrested: Saugerties Police
Rye Brook Tag Sale Link May 20, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rain Date: May 21
NY Women of Distinction: NYS Senate website
Additional pre-K seats at schools in Dutchess, Ulster: State Sen. Hinchey website
DWI arrests twice in three hours: State Police website
Books and Badges event: Town of Haverstraw Police FB page
Reaction to migrants in Yonkers: Mayor Mike Spano FB page
Truck hits Hutch overpass: Westchester County Police (914) 864-7700
Edgemont Incorporation: Town of Greenburgh website

May 15

Assemblyman on group helping veterans: Bill Maher FB page
Group that’s helping vets: YIT Foundation website
Seeking restraining order on migrant buses: Orange County Government FB page
Police Commissioner retires: Mt. Vernon Police (914) 665-2500
Men indicted in Mt. Vernon shooting: Westchester District Attorney’s Office website
Warning of health insurance scams: NY Attorney General’s Office Website:
Light the Sky event. City of Yonkers FB page:
Rye artist uses her paintings to speak up for her heritage : Aimee Hofman Fine Art - Aimee Hofmann's Fundraising Page - Burke Rehabilitation Montefiore Health System
Town opposes bussed migrants in hotels: Fishkill Town Board (845) 831-7800
Non-profit helping displaced vets in Newburgh: YIT Foundation website
Warning of health insurance scams: NY Attorney General’s Office Website
Asking drivers to slow down: City of Port Jervis (845) 858-4000
2023 Commencement in Queens: Pace University website
National Police Week. Mayor Mike Spano FB page
Cops and Cone event. Yorktown Police FB page

May 13

YIT Foundation Phone Number: (845) 701-9429
Moms Demand Action : Website

May 12

St. Vincent's Spring Sprint Run for Mental Health: Registration Form
Ed Day Reaction to Judge Ruling: Rockland County website
Civil liberties group lawsuit: NYCLU
Sentencing in drug trafficking case: Orange County DA FB page
Newburgh gang guilty plea: US Attorney’s Office
Arrest in shots fired incident: Yonkers police (914) 377-7900
Arrest for stolen catalytic converters: Putnam County Sheriff
State grant for Yonkers film school: Gov. Hochul
Migrants in Newburgh: Orange County Executive (845) 291-2700 Unionville arrest for stabbing: State Police website Louisiana man, weapon charges: State Police website Drug arrest after traffic stop: Stony Point Police (845) 786-2422
Study for Route 9A: NYS DOT website
State funding for Peekskill, Ossining: Sen. Pete Harckham website
Federal school meals legislation: Sen. Gillibrand website
Leaf blower change rebate: City of Yonkers website

May 11

Wappinger Man Facing Charges: Dutchess County Sheriff’s Website
Building Inspector Plea Deal In Sex Abuse Case: Port Jervis Police Website
Newburgh Gang Leader Guilty Plea: US Attorney’s Office Website
Negotiation Needed In Debt Ceiling Debate: Rep. Mike Lawler Twitter Feed
Road Trip: Close to Home: Chuang Yen Monastery
Congressman on debt ceiling: Rep. Lawler twitter feed
Arrest in Mt. Vernon Stabbing: Mt. Vernon Police FB page
Teens arrested, stolen vehicle: New Rochelle Police website
DA Seeks to vacate 2017 drug convictions: Westchester DA

May 10

Executive Order for asylum seekers. Gov. Hochul website
Tuesday fire in Mt. Vernon: Mayor Patterson-Howard FB page
North Castle guns indictment: Westchester DA website
Hawthorne Man stealing firearm: Putnam County Sheriff website
Executive Order for asylum seekers: Gov. Hochul website
Notice of hotel certificate of occupancy violation: Town of Orangetown website
Embezzler agree to payback $50K: Rockland District Attorney (845) 638-5001
Monroe man rape arrest: Monroe Police FB page
Road closures due to President’s visit: State Police Twitter Feed
DA Seeks to vacate 2017 drug convictions: Westchester DA
Seeking federal grant money for 15 HV projects: Rep. Lawler (845) 201-2060
Urging students to not participate in game: Putnam County Sheriff’s Office
Juveniles facing charges in Kingston attack: Kingston Police FB page
Woman pleads guilty to prostituting teen: Orange County District attorney (845) 291-2050
Softball team advances to playoffs: St. Thomas Aquinas website

May 9

Mt. Vernon Gun violence plan: Mt. Vernon mayor FB page
Vandalism arrest: Town of Yorktown police (914) 962-4141
Breaking ground on soccer lacrosse field: City of Yonkers FB page 
Scholarship Gala raises $400K: Mercy College 
State of Emergency Orange County: Orange County
Statement against NYC Migrants to Rockland County: Rockland County
Middletown police officer suspended: Office of Mayor - (845) 346-4100
Teens injured in dirt bike accident Dutchess County Sheriff: Sheriff's Office

May 8

Road Trip - Close to Home: Adjacent Festival
Man arrested for four knife incident: Mt. Vernon Police FB page
Jewelry scam alert: Port Chester Police FB page
Police drill at Yorktown mall: Town of Yorktown Police FB page
Full scale drill at Westchester County Airport: Westchester County Police FB page
Rockland Executive Day on State of Emergency: Rockland County FB Page
Kingston man, burglary in Saugerties: Crimewatch
Monticello police, three shot including 15 month old: Monticello Police (845) 794-4422
Ramapo police release deer: Ramapo Police FB Page 


Body found in county park in New Rochelle: Westchester County Police: (914) 864-7700
Dump Truck crash cleared in Greenburgh: Town of Greenburgh Police Facebook page
Teen charged with false report of incident: Yonkers Police
Tarrytown crafts fair to begin today: Spring Crafts at Lyndhurst
Student recovering after Kingston HS attack: Kingston City School District
Pregnant Middletown woman found safe : Hope Alive 845 FB page
State police scammer in Ulster: State Police Troop F
Rabid raccoon in Fremont, Sullivan County: Sullivan County Public Health Department

May 4

Former legislative aide release on bond in enticement case: US Attorney’s office (details of case)
Mount Vernon custodian recovering from stabbing as police search for suspect: Mount Vernon Police - (914) 665-2500
Mt. Vernon woman ID’d in fatal Greenburgh crash: Town of Greenburgh Police FB page
Byram Hills student presents to national brain organization: Byram Hill High School
Parents facing charges in girl’s death: Village of Liberty Police FB page
NJ woman charged in fatal Airmont crash: Town of Ramapo Police - (845) 357-2400
Arrests in narcotics investigation in Port Jervis: Orange County District Attorney
Search for Missing Middletown woman: Hope Alive 845 FB page
Student hospitalized after Kingston HS attack: Kingston City School District
Indictment reinstated in Newburgh shooting: Orange County District Attorney
Syracuse driver given 34 tickets after high speed chase: State Police
Officer, detective to receive commendations in Tuxedo: Town of Tuxedo Police FB page
Yonkers student false report of incident: Yonkers Police FB page
Mt. Vernon dispensary showroom tours: Business Council of Westchester
Ready for summer music season: Caramoor
Ten ducklings saved in Greenburgh: Town of Greenburgh police

May 3

Stabbing of custodial worker: Mt. Vernon Police - (914) 665-2500
State funding for study of Routes 35, 202 and Bear Mountain Parkway: Sen. Pete Harckham
Seeking witnesses for Route 119 accident: Town of Greenburgh Police FB page
Texts to 911 now accepted for emergency situations: Putnam County
Police presence at Liberty motel: Village of Liberty Police - (845) 292-4422
Plattekill landfill maybe solar panel field: Ulster County Legislature
Home in Orange for film shoot: Orange County film and tourism FB page
Best burger in New York State: NYS Beef Council
State trooper crash on Palisades Pkwy: State Police – Troop F - (845) 344-5300
Goshen schools, police deal with student off-campus game: Goshen Central School District
Federal legislation to protect firefighters: Rep. Pat Ryan - (845) 443-2930
Torch Run for Special Olympics: Mt. Vernon Police
TV crew shooting in Tuckahoe beginning today: Village of Tuckahoe
Northern Westchester Hospital Safety rating: Leapfrog’s hospital safety ratings
Group asks for affordable housing to be part of Galleria Mall redevelopment: Coalition for Addition without Subtraction

May 2

Port Chester Summer youth Employment Program: Open House information CALL: 914-758-2228
Serious accident on Route 119 in Greenburgh: Town of Greenburgh police - (914) 989-1700
Woman’s body found near Bronx River: Westchester County Police - (914) 864-7700
Former Westchester legislative aide federal charges: US Attorney’s Office
Cold Spring among most beautiful US towns: Architectural Digest survey
The Official Dispensary Showroom Tour: Registration
Domestic violence incident in Ramapo: Town of Ramapo Police FB page
Crack cocaine after traffic stop: State Police
Multi Million dollar project on Thruway, Orange and Rockland: NYS Thruway Authority
Memorial Service, 125th anniversary: Mombasha Fire Company FB page
Middletown sextortion plot case: US Attorney’s Office
Warning about texting scam: Dutchess County Sheriff
Expansion of legislative health care across NYS: Gov. Hochul
One person killed in early morning crash: Town of Greenburgh Police - (914) 989-1700
More sentencings in Yonkers gang assault: Westchester District Attorney - (914) 995-3414
Bail hearing tomorrow in ex-legislative staffer case: US Attorney’s Office
Summer Youth Employment Program: Village of Port Chester

May 1

Operation Prom: Anyone interested in applying for a dress or tuxedo can click HERE to download an application. Applications also available at high school guidance offices.
Mental Health Awareness Month: Resources and guides
Greenburgh Taxes: Town of Greenburgh website
Westchester County parkways flooding: Westchester County Police  - (914) 864-7700
Bronx men crash car near Westchester: Greenwich Police
Two from Yonkers arrested in Friday shooting: Yonkers Police  - (914) 377-7900
Hanover Street closing for construction: Town of Yorktown police FB page
Kingston/Ulster bun buyback Event: Ulster County Sheriff FB page
Stony Point Blood Drive: Stony Point Police FB page
Assault conviction in Monroe case: Orange County District Attorney FB page
Newburgh groups receives nearly $2M in funding: Newburgh Community Land Bank FB page
State police find cocaine in vehicle on Thruway: State Police
Newburgh school monitor saves choking student: Newburgh Enlarged School District
Rockland and Mental Health Association agreement extension: Rockland County Government FB page
Four DCC students win social sciences awards: Dutchess Community College
White Plains flooded vehicle save: White Plains Public Safety FB page
Yonkers wire fraud, waste dumping scheme: US Attorney’s Office - (914) 993-1900
Westchester lawmakers meet today, first meeting since resignation: Westchester Board of Legislators (details on resignation)
Yonkers Operation Spring Ahead: Yonkers Police FB page