Parents of students in the Bedford School District expressed their concerns over the school?s modified busing plan during a board meeting Wednesday night.
Last month, the school district decided that it will no longer provide transportation for students who live within a half mile of its schools. Under the modified policy, about 40 students will have to walk to school in areas where there are no sidewalks, shoulders, crossing guards or even crosswalks.
The Bedford School District says that it can make no exceptions because the policy is also being enforced at the district?s other schools in Bedford Hills and Mount Kisco, even though there are sidewalks in those neighborhoods.
Parents of students who attend Pound Ridge Elementary School and Bedford Village Elementary School plan to file a lawsuit if changes aren?t made immediately. They are calling for a ?child safety zone,? but district officials say that such a plan will not be considered until a district-wide vote next May.
The Pound Ridge police chief tells News 12 Westchester that they are willing to close down a road to make sure children get to school safely.
Parents to petition board over bus route cuts