The sights and sounds of a neighborhood trying to rebuild itself was mixed in with the sights and sounds of massive volunteer effort in Mamaroneck Saturday.
As homeowners dry out from last week's nor'easter, they got some much needed help from Habitat for Humanity and more than 100 volunteers of all ages. The agency?s Jim Killoran says they still need help from the community. ?We are stressing out our resources...we need people to donate to us. We spent $15,000 [Friday] on supplies,? says Killoran.
Flooded out residents are also hoping the federal government will help. Meantime, the Army Corp of Engineering is looking into a long-term plan to prevent constant flooding.
Related Information Pols push for federal money for flood-ravaged areas FEMA surveys areas ravaged by nor'easter Extent of Mamaroneck flood damage comes into focus Habitat for Humanity of Westchester