Two Hastings middle school students are out of the hospital after police said the boys were caught drunk in public Friday.
Witnesses flooded the police department with calls, saying the 13-year-olds were running around intoxicated near Hastings High School. Police said the teens had to be rushed to a hospital.
The incident occurred less than a week after a wild teen drinking party in Harrison that landed a 16-year-old in intensive care with a head wound.
Parents reacted to both incidents with disgust.
"It's up to the parents to bring up their children," said Hastings resident Mike Iacobelli. "Talk to them at a young age."
However, some students told News 12 Westchester it's unrealistic to expect them to never drink until they're 21.
"We need to not be told it's wrong," said Hastings High School student Nick Speranza. "We need to be told how to do it correctly and how to do it responsibly."