Hispanic activists are calling for an independent probe into the death of Rene Perez, a homeless immigrant who was found dying on the side of the road in Bedford last year.
Hispanics Across America President Fernando Mateo made a direct request Wednesday to the U.S. Attorney?s Office. He demanded federal officials get involved after an audiotape was released that captured two Bedford police sergeants and several officers apparently joking about Perez.
Mateo says the comments were not only disturbing but also show the racial insensitivity of both the Bedford and Mt. Kisco police departments.
?I believe their system needs to be revisited by a higher authority,? Mateo says. ?The feds should come and see what their procedures are like and correct them.?
Mateo also called on the government to step up investigations into two unsolved murders of other immigrants.
Meanwhile, Mount Kisco Police Officer George Bubaris is scheduled to appear in court again Thursday. During his pretrial hearing, Bubaris is expected to ask that some of his statements be thrown out. He claims he was forced to talk to the Bedford police when he didn?t have to.
Related Information:Bedfordofficials discuss dispatch tape controversy Bedford P.D. records requested in Mt. Kisco cop caseDefense releases video, 911 call in Perez's death caseCop in Perez case linked to '05 brutality claimCop accused in immigrant's death makes bail Mt. Kisco cop charged with death of immigrant Pressure mounts on Mt. Kisco P.D. in immigrant's death Grand jury hears testimony in immigrant's death Video could provide clues in immigrant's murder Police release blotter from night of immigrant's death Brother sues Mt. Kisco, Bedford over immigrant's death