Violence prevention program to hold event after Mount Vernon shooting injures 2 teens

Tommy Guest, 18, was shot in the leg and his cousin Jarrid Collins suffered a broken leg as he tried to run from the gunfire at the convenience store shooting.

News 12 Staff

Jun 15, 2021, 9:46 PM

Updated 1,180 days ago


Community members are coming together to take a stand and fight back against gun violence in the wake of the Mount Vernon shooting that injured two high school students over the weekend.
Tommy Guest, 18, was shot in the leg and his cousin Jarrid Collins suffered a broken leg as he tried to run from the gunfire at the convenience store shooting.
News 12 obtained exclusive surveillance video of Guest and Collins walking home from a party early Sunday morning.
The video shows them walk into a convenience store near West First Street, and moments later, someone runs up to the teens and starts shooting.
Both are recovering at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx.
City leaders say the shooting was unprovoked, and the gunfire was not intended for them.
Both students are honor roll athletes who play for the Mount Vernon Knights football team.
Guest was prom king last month, received a full academic scholarship to Stony Brook University and plays three instruments.
Collins, who is going into is junior year, is also an honor student, football player and skateboarder.
The violence prevention program SNUG, which is GUNS spelled backwards and an acronym for Should Never Use Guns, is planning a community event on Saturday to stand up against the senseless shooting.
It will be held on Saturday at 6 p.m. at the scene of the shooting.