Tuxedo school superintendent at center of porn scandal on leave as district investigates

Tuxedo School Superintendent Tim Bohlke is accused of looking at and commenting on a pornographic video from his work Twitter account last month, after his district handle and profile photo were seen with a remark under the comments.

News 12 Staff

Jan 5, 2021, 11:32 PM

Updated 1,381 days ago


An Orange County school superintendent at the center of a pornography scandal is now on leave while the district investigates the allegations.
Tuxedo School Superintendent Tim Bohlke is accused of looking at and commenting on a pornographic video from his work Twitter account last month, after his district handle and profile photo were seen with a remark under the comments.
Parents addressed the scandal at a virtual emergency board of education meeting Monday night.
So far, the board isn't responding to that question but says it's conducting an investigation into Bohlke's claims his account was hacked, adding by statement, "The Superintendent of Schools forcefully denies making this inappropriate post. The Board voted to direct the district's attorney and Human Resources consultant to work with an independent IT firm to fully investigate the matter."
The board says Bohlke is taking "vacation and other leave time" while an interim superintendent fills his seat and issued a security warning to anyone who may have clicked on the pornographic post.
News 12 reached out to Bohlke multiple times for comment, but he has not returned calls.