Police: Somers man arrested for fentanyl and crack cocaine possession

William E. Felling III, 40, was found to have a quantity of fentanyl and crack cocaine, both controlled substances.

News 12 Staff

Sep 8, 2022, 9:55 AM

Updated 730 days ago


A Somers man has been arrested for possession of fentanyl and crack cocaine.
Putnam County Sheriff Kevin J. McConville says that on Sept. 2, members of the Sheriff's Office Narcotics Enforcement Unit (NEU) pulled a car over after witnessing a traffic violation on Route 6 in the Town of Southeast. Upon further investigation, the driver of the car, William E. Felling III, 40, was found to have a quantity of fentanyl and crack cocaine, both controlled substances.
Felling has been charged with one count of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree and one count of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree.
Felling was released on his own recognizance. He is expected back in court on Sept. 15.