Orange County DA: Mamakating highway superintendent convicted for child sex abuse

Robert Hufcut, of Wurtsburo, was convicted of engaging in two or more acts of sexual conduct with a child of less than 13 years of age, according the Orange County District Attorney's Office.

News 12 Staff

Dec 10, 2022, 3:21 AM

Updated 637 days ago


The highway superintendent of Mamakating was convicted for child sex abuse in Orange County.
Robert Hufcut, of Wurtsburo, was convicted of engaging in two or more acts of sexual conduct with a child of less than 13 years of age, according the Orange County District Attorney's Office.
The incidents dated back to 2000.
The 55-year-old faces up to 25 years in prison when he is sentenced in March and will also be registered as a sex offender.
Hufcut also served as chief of the Summitville Fire Department.