Neighbors say booze led White Plains teens to broken bottle brawl

(11/12/06) WHITE PLAINS - Witnesses claim alcohol at a White Plains teenager's birthday party contributed to an all-out brawl that sent three young men bleeding all the way to the hospital. A 17-year-old

News 12 Staff

Nov 13, 2006, 12:40 AM

Updated 6,509 days ago


(11/12/06) WHITE PLAINS - Witnesses claim alcohol at a White Plains teenager's birthday party contributed to an all-out brawl that sent three young men bleeding all the way to the hospital.
A 17-year-old girl's parents were home for most of the night at 1 Hunt Place while neighbors say the 30 or so guests, mostly underage, drank away. Police believe three uninvited males between the ages of 18 and 21 incited the fight while the girl's parents stepped out. Neighbors say more than a dozen teenagers hoarded the streets and beat each other with broken bottles, belts and rocks.
The three allegedly uninvited men were brought to Westchester Medical Center. Injuries included lacerations to the head, hand and a broken leg.
Police have not yet made any arrests or issued underage drinking citations. However, police brought more than 15 people in for questioning and say it may take a while to sort the situation out.