Mt. Vernon principal resigns after alleged gay orgy

A Mt. Vernon Catholic school principal resigned Tuesday evening after allegedly being caught in a gay orgy Sunday. Gabriel DeJesus, principal at Mt. Vernon?s Sacred Heart School for the Arts for seven

News 12 Staff

Jul 16, 2008, 4:52 PM

Updated 5,897 days ago


A Mt. Vernon Catholic school principal resigned Tuesday evening after allegedly being caught in a gay orgy Sunday.
Gabriel DeJesus, principal at Mt. Vernon?s Sacred Heart School for the Arts for seven years, is facing criminal charges after police say they caught him having sex with two men behind a vacant home in Greenburgh. He and another man were charged with trespassing, public lewdness and disorderly conduct. The third man ran off naked, police say.
The Archdiocese of New York asked for DeJesus? resignation Tuesday and he delivered it. "The parish requested his resignation and he submitted it this afternoon,? the archdiocese said in a statement.
Some of DeJesus? Ossining neighbors say the matter should have been investigated before any action was taken by the archdiocese. Others say it was right for the married father of three to resign because Catholic school principals should be role models.