Dominatrix involved in Greenburgh police sex scandal breaks silence

The Rye Brook dominatrix involved in the Greenburgh Police Department sex scandal spoke out Wednesday, a day before she is due in court. Gina Annenoel Pane, 31, accused the Greenburgh Police Department

News 12 Staff

Mar 15, 2006, 10:50 PM

Updated 6,751 days ago


The Rye Brook dominatrix involved in the Greenburgh Police Department sex scandal spoke out Wednesday, a day before she is due in court.
Gina Annenoel Pane, 31, accused the Greenburgh Police Department of misconduct and sexual harassment following her arrest in January on charges of driving impaired and possessing marijuana. Pane says Officer Erik Ward met her in a wooded area next to her apartment complex the day after she was arrested and they engaged in a sex act that was caught by a security camera in the parking lot. Pane says she was told the charges against her would be dropped after that.
Ward has been suspended without pay since the allegations. In addition, the entire Greenburgh police street crimes unit has been temporarily shut down pending the district attorney?s investigation.
Pane says she didn?t want the information about her arrest to go public, but says since it did, she now wants an open trial despite her controversial line of work. Pane says she doesn?t want any other women to have to go through what she did. Pane?s attorney says they will wait to file sexual harassment charges pending the outcome of her court date on March 16.
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