Somers School District: Enforcement is needed for cars that illegally pass school buses

In two months, Somers Schools and the company named BusPatrol recorded 180 cars that blew past stopped buses whose stop signs were displayed.

News 12 Staff

Oct 27, 2022, 4:36 PM

Updated 680 days ago


The Somers School District says more enforcement is needed after conducting an investigation into drivers who illegally pass stopped school buses.
Somers Schools and the company named BusPatrol recorded 280 cars in two months that blew past school buses that had stop signs displayed. BusPatrol put cameras on 59 buses to collect that video evidence.
Students can be seen in the videos waiting on cars that go right past their bus before they could cross.
Parents and students in Westchester County say there's going to be an accident soon if this problem is not controlled. 
Representatives from BusPatrol say Westchester County should install new cameras on the buses. Those cameras can send images of cars that illegally pass buses right to local municipal officials. They can then mail fines of up to $300 to the owners of those cars.
The head of transportation at Somers Schools says he and other administrators plan to lobby county lawmakers to fund a stop-arm-camera system, to better enforce the law and make students safer.