Catholic school principal busted in alleged gay orgy

The principal of Mount Vernon's Sacred Heart School for the Arts is accused of having sex with two men in a Greenburgh backyard Sunday night. Gabriel DeJesus, 41, was still running the elementary school

News 12 Staff

Jul 15, 2008, 7:21 PM

Updated 5,898 days ago


The principal of Mount Vernon's Sacred Heart School for the Arts is accused of having sex with two men in a Greenburgh backyard Sunday night.
Gabriel DeJesus, 41, was still running the elementary school Monday when News 12 Westchester called for a comment. He would only repeatedly say that he made a mistake.
Authorities say DeJesus, 31-year-old Francesco Autera and another man met online. The trio allegedly picked the backyard of a vacant Abbeville Lane home to conduct their romp. An alert neighbor called 911 after noticing something suspicious.
"Two men got out and met a third person on the side of my house and they went on that property and that's when I called 911," says neighbor Rich Pacheco.
Police arrested DeJesus and Autera. They're charged with trespassing, public lewdness and disorderly conduct. The third man ran naked down the street before he could be apprehended, according to police.
The New York Archdiocese says it is looking into the matter and plans to speak with police. Officials add that DeJesus has been a well-regarded educator up until this point.