Bronx teen stabbed to death near school

Police are searching for the individual who fatally stabbed an 18-year-old in Morrisania Tuesday night. The victim was repeatedly stabbed in the torso in front of 1281 Franklin St., just steps away from

News 12 Staff

Mar 11, 2009, 4:53 PM

Updated 5,659 days ago


Police are searching for the individual who fatally stabbed an 18-year-old in Morrisania Tuesday night.
The victim was repeatedly stabbed in the torso in front of 1281 Franklin St., just steps away from a bodega where he was frequently seen in the past.
The victim was taken to Lincoln Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Police have not released the teen's identity because his family has yet to be notified.
Residents say the stabbing took place across the street from a school, in front of a church and next to a hospital.
"They always have a lot of police around here," says Vanessa Guzman. "And I thought it was much safer, but obviously not."
So far, no arrests have been made. Anyone with information about the stabbing is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.