Alleged Cortlandt sex attacker arrested

A Peekskill man was arrested and charged Wednesday with sexually abusing a woman in Cortlandt last week, police say. According to investigators, 24-year-old Brendon Berndt dragged a 23-year-old woman

News 12 Staff

Nov 6, 2009, 1:08 AM

Updated 5,419 days ago


A Peekskill man was arrested and charged Wednesday with sexually abusing a woman in Cortlandt last week, police say.
According to investigators, 24-year-old Brendon Berndt dragged a 23-year-old woman off Route 6 and sexually assaulted her before being chased off by Felito Medina, of Peekskill.
Police say Medina's description of the suspect, along with a surveillance video, helped in the investigation.
Berndt had recently been released from jail on unrelated charges and was employed by the City of Peekskill as part of a work release program, police say.
Berndt is being held at the Westchester County Jail on $50,000 bail. He's due back in court Friday.