No Bull: Parents, school officials say profanity on Trump flag is offensive
Some parents and school officials are calling a flag that is flying in front of a home in Pleasantville too offensive.
More than 600 students walk in front of the house every day on their way to and from Bedford Road Elementary School in Pleasantville.
School Superintendent Mary Fox-Alter called the family and asked them to remove the flag, which says “Trump 2020. No More Bulls***.” She says it’s not because it says Trump.
The controversy began this week when a parent spotted the curse word displayed on the flag and notified school officials.
Parents say they don't want their kids exposed to foul language, even though it is free speech and that homeowner has the right to put that flag on display.

"The dad said he would think about it and the mother said no, she would not take down the flag,’ said the superintendent.

Officials says there's also the issue of the Trump flag flying above the American flag.  According to a flag code under federal law, no other flag or pennant should be placed above the U.S. flag.

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